Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last practice of the season this week

Had a great practice today and looking forward to the final practice of the year in a couple days.

- I showed up late and Liam said, "Oh, I was getting worried. I thought you had already left for Thailand and I didn't even get to say goodbye."

Friday, May 27, 2011

Final soccer games in 9 days

So we've got one tournament left, and that's next weekend. Pray that God does a mighty work in our practices and in that tourney.

Monday, May 23, 2011


The soccer tournament this weekend was AMAZING. Where to start????

- We lost all three games (and I scored a goal)

Now for the important stuff:

- Before our first game all the guys were talking about the Rapture as God was supposedly supposed to come back that night. I got to share with the guys later at dinner about what the Bible says about it, including that He will come back like a thief in the night, that no one will know when He will return, and that we need to be READY. One guy, Bryce, said that he doesn't go to church but reads the Bible on his own, so he knew some verses from the Bible at the Second Coming, which was really encouraging. Liam also seemed very interested in our conversation.

- When we ate as a team at Olive Garden, 13 of the players (including me) were all sitting at one table. When we got our salad and bread sticks, I stood up and prayed for dinner. Then, when the main dishes came, they all asked me to PRAY AGAIN for dinner.

- That night I was talking with Almamy (who was rooming with my dad and I) and Nick. Somehow the conversation switched to dating etc. I said, "Hey, guess what my goal is? I'm not going to kiss a girl until I get married." They looked at my like I was going mad. They said "You're crazy! Why not?" I explained to them what the Bible says about sexual purity and about how every time you kiss a girl or do something like that, you are giving a part of your away, leaving less for you to give to your wife when you get married. I also explained that it's like having a hundred dollars, and every time you kiss, hold hands, hug, you are giving your money away. How much are you going to have left on your wedding day to give to that special someone? Then the conversation switched to homeschool... (Please read the end of this AMAZING STORY at http://give-god-glory.blogspot.com/p/amazing-soccer-post.html)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Soccer Tourney near Chicago

I will be with my team this weekend in Lowell, IN for a tournament. Be praying, because I will have a lot of time with the guys, including Almamy, who will be rooming with my dad and I. I am bringing my guitar and we will be hosting a church service for the team and family. Please Pray!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Cool Soccer story

So one of my teammates hosted a party for my soccer team on Friday, and although I wanted to go, I wondered  how I would fit in, since all the other guys were mostly non-Christians. My family has strict rules on movies, so I wasn't sure whether I would be able to watch what they had to offer. Thankfully, the party was very fun and I was still able to show my faith. One funny moment was when there was a GIGANTIC bee in our screen room and I wanted to kill it really bad. My teammate Will said, "Whoa, look at Evan. He wants to kill that thing really bad. Hey Evan, aren't you a Christian and not supposed to kill other animals?" We all laughed. Will said all of that in a really friendly way, so he wasn't trying to make fun of me.

When it was movie time, they picked a movie that I hadn't heard of before, so I called my mom and asked if I could watch it. She immediately recognized the movie and said I couldn't watch it for any reason. So I called my dad and had him come pick me up. I told the guys that I had to leave, and when they asked, I told them why. None of them made fun of me, but they all said they were sorry I couldn't watch. When it was time to leave, four or five of the guys wanted to give me a hug.

In short, my teammates know that I don't compromise in my Christian walk, and they respect it. God is working in their hearts!!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Keep Prayin'

Continue to pray for my soccer team. We are really bonding as teammates, and it is getting easier to talk to them. Pray that God would open a door!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

By the Way....

This blog will be my main way of communicating with people while I am in Thailand. You all will get updates of how things are going (more frequently than now) and what God is doing.

I want to make sure and stay connected with you all, so make sure you check often when I am in Thailand.

Keep praying for us!!!