The soccer tournament this weekend was AMAZING. Where to start????

- We lost all three games (and I scored a goal)

Now for the important stuff:

- Before our first game all the guys were talking about the Rapture as God was supposedly supposed to come back that night. I got to share with the guys later at dinner about what the Bible says about it, including that He will come back like a thief in the night, that no one will know when He will return, and that we need to be READY. One guy, Bryce, said that he doesn't go to church but reads the Bible on his own, so he knew some verses from the Bible at the Second Coming, which was really encouraging. Liam also seemed very interested in our conversation.

- When we ate as a team at Olive Garden, 13 of the players (including me) were all sitting at one table. When we got our salad and bread sticks, I stood up and prayed for dinner. Then, when the main dishes came, they all asked me to PRAY AGAIN for dinner.

- That night I was talking with Almamy (who was rooming with my dad and I) and Nick. Somehow the conversation switched to dating etc. I said, "Hey, guess what my goal is? I'm not going to kiss a girl until I get married." They looked at my like I was going mad. They said "You're crazy! Why not?" I explained to them what the Bible says about sexual purity and about how every time you kiss a girl or do something like that, you are giving a part of your away, leaving less for you to give to your wife when you get married. I also explained that it's like having a hundred dollars, and every time you kiss, hold hands, hug, you are giving your money away. How much are you going to have left on your wedding day to give to that special someone? Then the conversation switched to homeschool, and after explaining a little, they both basically said that I was trapped doing homeschool and that I should experience public school to have more freedom and see different things. At that point, Almamy and I walked Nick back to his room. When Almamy and I were walking to our room, I basically said, "Almamy, your talking about me being trapped in homeschool and Christianity and all of that. But let me tell you that as a Christian, I am so FREE. People who aren't Christians are always looking for ways to be happy and have a purpose." When I asked him what he thought the purpose of his life was, he said he wasn't sure. I said, "You're right. You don't really know. But you're always looking for happiness, but it doesn't last. The stuff you do for fun is great for a little while, but it's only temporary. It's gonna go away. As  a Christian, I have joy that will last forever. I'm secure in Christ!" After that, he said, "Wow, that's cool bro."

- My dad and I decided previously that we were going to have a team church service in between games on Sunday. I brought my guitar, and we announced it several times. I was thinking that anywhere from no one to maybe 8 people would show up. 13 PEOPLE WERE THERE. 11 were players and parents, and the other two were a black couple from a church in Indy that randomly heard us singing in the lobby and joined in. We sang three songs and then my dad shared about different stuff, including how his view of sin changed after he became a christian, heaven and hell, when he got mugged at evangelism, and why we are moving to Thailand as missionaries. It was AWESOME! Several people expressed their thanks at the end and two dads wanted a copy of my dad's evangelism book.

- Final note. Chris, who is Catholic, (although I'm sure he isn't saved from his lifestyle) told me before our final game that he wants to stay in touch with me while I'm in Thailand. He said, "It's not everyday that you get to meet someone as special as you."