Tuesday, August 2, 2011

In Thailand... Finally

Got into Thailand yesterday. Kristen said she was going to tackle me but she didn't get the chance. Here are some prayer requests for us and for me.

1. This is my main request. Please be praying about this. I have some BIG decisions coming up with respect to what extracurricular stuff I will be doing. I would LOVE to make the school soccer team (which is a VERY good team) but that would be a very big time commitment. I would travel to Taiwan for fall break and probably to Bangkok and other places as well. I would also LOVE to help lead worship at our school. That's not as big a time commitment, but soccer and worship will probably conflict time wise. I am also going to be doing a Bible study for a younger grade of students. There's so many other opportunities as well, and I want to do them all!!! Please pray that God would give me guidance and that I would be satisfied with whatever He puts before me.

2. Be praying for material needs that we have. Our big van is broken, we have a leak in our sink, two of our laptops are having power/battery issues, and other stuff like that. That stuff can be a pain sometimes. Please pray that these issues will get resolved.

Thanks for praying.